Monday, February 8, 2010

Sarah Palin's Cheat Sheet

Almost everybody is aware of Sarah Palin's "crib notes" on her hand used for the Tea Party convention. These notes were most likely used for the interviews and questions, leading to the assumption in which she probably saw the questions which were going to be asked beforehand. However, notice how the media makes a huge commotion out of this, and how OBVIOUS she made it she had notes written on her hand? A middle school student could write notes on his/her hand and not make it as obvious as Palin did. These stills and the video itself make me question why she made it so obvious and didn't even try to hide the fact that she had notes written on her hand.. Or why she even had to write a couple of words on her hand in order to remember such simple terms.. Come on, could she really not remember "Tax"? She had to write a 3 letter word down? That's ridiculous. Either this was purposley done, or she's incredibly unintelligent and needs to take lessons from an 11 year old. I lean towards the purposely done side.

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